Thursday 29 December 2011

My Next Life

"Cats always seem so very wise, when staring with their half-closed eyes. Can they be thinking, "I'll be nice, and maybe she will feed me twice?" - Bette Midler

In my next life I am coming back as a cat in my house!  We have two furry feline fellas who will be heartbroken to find out that they are cats and not people!   Alf and I are lucky that Tom lets us sleep with him in our queen size bed! 

Couple of things you should know when visiting us -

  • No doubt you will have to move the cat to sit down.  They know where all the best seats are!
  • Wear dark coloured clothing at your own peril.   Tom is a supersized white and orange cat that sheds constantly, and Keegan is a long flame point Himalayan – need I say anymore.
  •  They will win you over … they love everyone and can’t be ignored.

Yes, I plan to eat, sleep, eat a little more and sleep that off and when I can’t sleep anymore, I’ll have a snack.  Tom won an award at the Rockton World’s fair at the Largest Cat weighing in at just over 20 pounds.  What a life!

Christmas Overload

Boxing day, Aunt Sherry phoned find out how Christmas had been at the Mand household and to set up a time for her annual Christmas visit.  Megan answered the phone and the conversation went something like this –
Aunt Sherry:  How was Christmas Meggie and what did you get?
Meg:  Too much.  I got too much and I can’t begin to tell you all the things I got. 
Aunt Sherry:  Sounds like you don’t need any more presents.
Meg:  Oh no.  I need more presents.  When are you coming over?
Aunt Sherry:  Around 3 pm.  See you then.

 I knew a life lesson was coming for Megan and it did.

When Aunt Sherry came, she had large presents for her sisters Meredith and Alycia, but just a tiny bag for Megan.  

Her sisters had awesome “Justin Bieber” gift bags and treats.   When Megan opened her bag, there was a McDonald’s happy meal toy and a small bag of cookies (the 100 calorie type.)

She tried to be brave.  Her sisters had figured it out, but not poor Megan.  Her face says it all.  Aunt Sherry told her that she had bought Megan a McDonald’s gift card, but since she had “too much Christmas” and since she was hungry, she used the gift card for her lunch, but saved the treat and toy for Megan.
Before the tears came, we let her off the hook.  She got a beautiful assortment of toys and treats.   Lessons learned:   Be grateful for all gifts, large or small and to have your list of Christmas gifts ready when Aunt Sherry calls next year!

Decked out for the holidays!

Mini-cooper and I were all decked out for the holidays.  The headlights resemble eyes, red nose and antlers complete the look.  The Christmas look brought smiles to many as we finished our shopping and ran Christmas errands.

Now that the snow is here, she will be tucked away in the garage safe from the salt, sand and inclement weather.   

Wednesday 14 December 2011

Copic Markers - A New Vice!

Crafty Me strikes again! 

Just when I thought I couldn't possibly add a new vice, my friend Karen invites me to take a introductory copic marker class at the Scrapping Turtle in St. Jacobs, ON. For those of you who don't know what Copic markers are, they are a combination paintbrush/marker product. It's like "colouring for grown-ups." The above pic a sample of my handiwork from the class. The funniest part of this stamped image is that she looks just like me!

As far as Copic markers go, Sketch is the most popular marker and is perfect for scrapbooking, card making and craft projects - so naturally I would need to add them to my collection of crafting supplies. Of course they come in 322 colours, so you can't buy just one, two or even a dozen!

What I did learn from the class, and here's the tip for all you newbies, buy them in colour families so that you can blended them easily. Pick a dark, medium and a light for shading, work the dark to medium to light inks. The big exception is for skin areas where the reverse is true. Light, medium to dark for the skin tones and remember to blend while the inks are wet. Different papers give different effects too so have some fun experimenting. Remember - there is no right or wrong ... only creative opportunities.

If you want to see someone with “skills” watch the following video clip. It was created by Sherrie Siemens, a certified Copic Designer, from Abbotsford BC. and she can show you how to "big girl colour!"


Monday 12 December 2011

Little Know Facts about Elves

I was having lunch at with a friend and the topic of Christmas naturally came up.  I was very interested to learn that my knowledge of elves was sadly incomplete.

I knew that the elves worked tirelessly all year round in the production of toys for Santa's big night, but there is a lot more to being an elf than working in the toy department.  Oh sure, there are the reindeer who need to be exercised and fed, sleigh maintenance, inventory control, but there is a little known "clause" in their job description known only to a very few people outside of the North Pole.

Santa has an elite squad of elves known as the CIA (Christmas Intelligence Agents) Special Forces Unit.  These elves are dispatched to children who are in danger of slipping from the "nice" to the "naughty" list. Midyear, these elves, under cover of darkness, enter the home and keep copious notes of the offender.  Each is supplied with an i-phone which provides indisputable evidence that is instantly transmitted to the North Pole tracking on the naughty/nice data base.  CIA's report directly to the "man in red" who has the option to contact parents for an attitude intervention.  This is the call no parent wants to receive, nor any child made to atone for.

Fortunately, there is hope.  The reports are delivered early enough for redemption.

Next time you sing "he sees you when your sleeping, he knows when you're awake, he knows if you've been bad or good, so be good for goodness sake ..."  He means it!

Elf control, over and out.

Thursday 8 December 2011

Santa's Elves work for Free

Christmas is a coming and thoughts turn to Christmas wish lists.  I was having a conversation with my six year old at the breakfast table the other day as I was trying to find out what she wanted for Santa to bring her for Christmas this year.   She rhymed off a list as long as your arm.  I tired to explain to her that:
1.  Santa brings toys to all the children around the world so it would be best to narrow it down to one or two items for logistic purposes if not for space (after all you can only bring so much on a sleigh)
2.  Santa has expenses and to keep her request to a reasonable price range

I should have known better than to challenge a six year old at 7 am in the morning.  Megan quickly replied that "Santa doesn't have expenses.  The elves not only make all the toys, they work for free!"

Now what? 

"Have you ever had a conversation with the Purchasing elf?' I asked.  Of course she hadn't.  "If you had, he would tell you that there are raw material costs involved in the production of toys.  Resin, wood and hardware are not readily available from the North Pole and have to be shipped in. Don't ever get him started on the special feed for the reindeer or you'll be there all day!" I smiled.

"Besides, if the elves ever unionise, the free labour will go out the window too!  Now let's rethink your list."

Mom 1
Kids 0

Sunday 4 December 2011

The best time to start is now ....

Hi World,
Here I am.  A middle aged, unemployed mom who is trying break out of old habits and try new things.
1. Start a blog, and knock one more thing off my "bucket list"
2. Record some of the crazy things that happen in my life, because my family and friends are hilarious!
3. Find myself, reinvent myself, and find a job that makes me happy so my family doesn't suffer.
... that's enough for tonight.

Look out world, here I come.